My painting process didn't exactly follow a plan I ended up just winging it, as you can see above this was when I took a deep breath and just started spraying the entire head matte black hoping this wouldn't be something I regret. In the end I did, I wished I had given it more thought and put aside my impulsive excitement for painting. Starting with a base coat of a light gray would of suited the end result more successfully; but instead the under coat of the black was dulled down to a deep gray because of the ceramic base that was pulled through by steel wool. I then covered the black head with a plastic bag, leaving the collar for me to spray three different layers, of three different shades of green. Repeating the same steel wool texturizing I had done on the head to the collar, That turned out, only, after taking the head back outside for some small brush attention. I filled in the different shades of green spray paint in a more logical manner. Finally finishing off the details with acrylic, but still I had to deal with color changes due to the base coat. In the end I attached the wire coil and i'm pleased with my new halloween decoration.